Separated Parenting Plan - Online or In Person

Service Description


Why a Parenting Plan?

Divorce and separation are painful for everyone involved–particularly children. At this challenging time children need support, love and contact with both parents.

Some certainty about the future is also very important for everyone. A written parenting plan, worked out between parents either before court or after the court order, will help clarify the arrangements you need to put in place to care for your children. The Plan can include shared parental responsibility for major long-term decision making and the time children spend with each parent. It will help everyone involved to know what is expected of them and it will be a valuable reference as time passes and circumstances change.

A good parenting plan agreed between both parents can save you time, stress & a substantial amount of money. You also get to make decisions regarding you & your family rather than a court.

What is a parenting plan?

A parenting plan puts the best interests of the child first. It is drawn up in good will with a shared commitment to your children and their future firmly in mind.

A parenting plan is a written agreement between parents through a trained third party covering practical issues of parental responsibility.

Your plan will detail practical decisions about children’s care in such as 

  • education
  • activities
  • health
  • living arrangements 
  • finance/expenses
  • holidays
  • birthdays

A parenting plan is not legally enforceable; however it can have legal implications.

What is not covered in a parenting plan?

A parenting plan does not cover how you intend to divide up your cash, homes and assets. You should discuss these matters with a mediator or lawyer who provides property settlements. About the Plan

How do we draw up a parenting plan?

Plans can be worked out personally between the parent with my experience & assistance. This can be done face to face or by telephone or email.

Your plan will be unique to you as parents. It should be practical, simple and as concrete as possible. The more detailed or complex it is, the more you may need to review it.

Family mediation can also help

Family mediation is a process in which a Family Mediator, who is an independent person, helps people experiencing separation or divorce resolve their differences with each other.

Our fully certified mediator, who also delivers one to one parenting courses, can help both participants find a mutually agreeable solution.


Contact Details

Beacon Parenting Courses & Mediation

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