
parenting course
Beacon Parenting

At Beacon Parenting we come to you. All our services are delivered straight to your home, one to one, either online or in person so


In the main there are generally two reasons a parent might require a parenting course for court. Either the court/judge directly tells a parent to

Beacon parenting Ireland seperated parenting courses
Separated Parenting Course

Separated parenting courses are not just for married couples who are now separating. Separated parenting courses (or co-parenting courses) are for any parents who are

Screen Time

Apparently screens do the work of the devil based on all the bad press surrounding them. Ironically you yourself must be looking at a screen

My Child Wont Comply -What Can I Do?

One of the most frequent questions I get asked about concerns the non – compliance of children within the family. Perhaps the child had complied

I don't understand my childeren
How to Parent Teenage Girls

How to Parent Teenage Girls One of the questions I get asked most frequently is how do I parent my teenager, in particular my teenage

I don't understand my childeren
The Snowflake Generation

The Snowflake Generation The Industrial Revolution had the same impact on society two hundred years ago as the internet has had on society today. It

separated parenting course
What is Coercive Control?

What is Coercive Control? Since January 2019 Coercive Control has been a criminal offence in Ireland but what exactly is it? There was a phrase

Co Parenting Plans
Why Choose a Parenting Course

Navigating parenting after separation can be challenging. At Beacon Parenting, we’re committed to providing you with the support and resources you need to thrive. In